Michael Stephen McGloin

Computer Science Major

About Me

I'm Mike, A CS major at JMU. I love coding and am always excited to learn new languages, tools, and libraries. I am looking for internships that will challenge me to experiment with new and exciting tools to find solutions.

I've moved around most of my life as my dad was in the Army for 22 years, but would call Virginia my hometown, as I've lived here for the longest.

I went to South County High School, where I took mainly art classes and Spanish for my electives. I was, and still am, very interested in computer graphics, photography and drawing. My last year I took AP computer science and fell in love. I had known I liked computers, and had the slightest bit of coding experience from hanging out on code/game forums as a kid, but knew after I took that class that coding was my career.

Nowadays, my main art form is guitar, and I've recently started taking lessons again. I don't know that I'd call myself a pro or anything but it is fun to do.

While I wouldn't say that I have a specific 'perfect job' that I'm looking for yet, I am trying to get as much experience as I can before I get out of college.


Html + CSS + Bootstrap

Personal Site

This site was built with html/css as a test to see if I could put together something that was modern and styleish, while still giving relevant information. Built mainly with html/css the styling for the site uses bootswatch's lux template.

Html + CSS / Postgresql / Node.js


Veri-safe was the intern hack-a-thon project done at SWIFT. I worked with other interns to try to solve a problem facing the company. As SWIFT is a very security-focused company, we decided to use the OpenALPR library to scan incoming vehicle license plates to determine if they were SWIFT employees or unknown vehicles.

The main part of this project that I wored on was the Node interface with the ALPR library, as well as the 'front-half' of the backend server.

Html + CSS / Node.js + Electron

Dungeons and Dragons Character Sheet

The DnD charactersheet is a program intended to take the memorization and page flipping out of playing DnD. Built on Node.js and Electron, the program intends to be a simple locally-hosted application that is quick and responsive.

My roommate Peter Shumate and I are the two main contributors to this project, and are using it both to learn node/electron, but also to write a personal project larger than a few shell scripts or a website. We hope to bring this to be a fully-functional program capable of supplimenting any pen-and-paper players.

Python / Yaml / JsonSchema


PCDB is SWIFT's automation of ansible setup scripts for specific applications and machines. Because of the wide variety of requirements for applications SWIFT is developing, we wanted to give users the ability to dictate how a system is configured so they can focus on development.

The PCDB system was only in the beginning stages of development during my time at SWIFT, but the idea behind it was very cool to me. The goal was to have the user input a Yaml file to the program, have internal json-schema validation to ensure that the user has included all variables that are needed, and finally spin up a VM and run ansible playbooks to set up requested programs.

SWIFT internal product

C / Assembly


Y86 is a fake processer that we emulated for our Computer Systems class. The project was intended to show the inner workings of a real processor by creating a stripped-down version and showing every step of the process. The Y86 Emulator could take .y86 program files, extract information including the headers, program headers, as well as any code or data stored within, converted to human-readable format.

Class Project

Java + Swing

Pyrex Sorter

The priex sorter was a project done for our Software Engineering class, intended first and foremost to show us how real-world Scrum practices work. The project was built using SVN as a version-control system and Vivify Scrum as our Scrum board. The program was intended to hold a 'library' of text documents and be able to quickly and accuratly search for words in that library, and return the sentence and paragraph they were contained in.

Class Project



Likely the best way to contact me: mcgloims@dukes.jmu.edu
Alternatively: mcgloinms@gmail.com


(703) 939 - 7441

Other Sites


All photos copyright Michael McGloin